Monday, November 4, 2013

Week of Nov. 4-8

Hello!  This week we will focus on interpreting and creating figurative language.  The students will be writing a narrative piece about a memorable school moment.


Remember that all students should be reading at least 90 minutes a week outside of English time and keeping track of their pages on the reading log.  Reading logs are collected and distributed on Tuesdays.

Mon--WS 2 on similes and metaphors; reading log due tomorrow
Tues--WS 2/49; have grade check signed
Wed--be ready to start writing about your memorable school moment tomorrow
Thur--finish 1st draft of memorable school moment writing
Fri--final copy of memorable moment writing due on Monday; read at home over the weekend


We will finish The Outsiders this week and there will be a quiz on Friday.  Students will need to finish reading Ch. 8 on their own on Monday, and finish Ch. 11 on their own on Wednesday.