Monday, November 25, 2013

Week of Nov. 25-26

Hello!   All students will be conducting their "childhood" interview over the Thanksgiving break.  This is always a favorite experience for both the student and the interviewee.  I will look forward to hearing what the students have to say about it when they return.

Students will be receiving an English grade print-out on Monday in class. It should be signed and returned on Tuesday.  (They will also have graded papers returned to them on Monday.  Any graded papers should be removed from the English folder and kept at home.)  Students will also receive a progress report on Tuesday.  It should be signed and returned to the 7th period teacher following the break.


Monday--have the English grade print-out signed; reading log due tomorrow; finish 1st draft of interview questions
Tuesday--conduct your interview over the break; read your Book Talk book