Monday, November 11, 2013

Week of Nov. 11-15

Hello!  This week we will be focusing on using consistent verb tenses.  Students will also be checking out their new Book Talk books on Thursday.  Book Talk will be on Wed., Dec. 11th, and students will need to have their books entirely finished by that day.


Reminder--all students should be reading at LEAST 90 minutes every week outside of English class time and keeping track of their pages on the reading log.

Mon--WS 2/3 on verb tenses; salmon reading logs due tomorrow
Tues--WS VT 5
Wed--finish corrections on "Memorable School Moment"
Thur--Start reading Book Talk book
Fri--read at home


This week we will focus on the reading strategy of activating prior knowledge before reading new information.  The only homework would be finishing a Word Hunt worksheet on Monday.