Monday, August 19, 2013

Week of August 19-23

Hello!  I hope that everyone is feeling positive about the new year; I know I am!  I think we have an excellent bunch of students!  Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.

This week we will be reviewing writing high-quality answers, reading some literature, and continuing to go over procedures for the year.  On Tuesday, we will go to the library for a short orientation, and the students will have the chance to check out a self-selected reading book at that time.  After Tuesday, all students will be expected to have their reading book with them everyday in class.  Students will also be recording their reading pages on a reading log that will be given out on Wednesday.  The weekly reading log is a big part of the homework points for this class, and every student is expected to read regularly at home.


Mon--be thinking about your independent reading book
Tues--have your independent reading book with you starting tomorrow
Wed--WS 1 (Subject/Predicate)
Thur--read at home
Fri--finish CR


On Monday, we will finish and grade the Handbook Quiz.  Students should have a parent sign this and return it on Tuesday.  On Tuesday, we will start reading The Outsiders.  The only homework would be that students might need to finish up an illustration on Thursday.